Gail Newman
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Gail Newman, a child of Holocaust survivors, was born in a Displaced Persons’ Camp in Lansberg, Germany. Her poems have appeared in journals including Nimrod International Journal, Prairie Schooner, and The Atlanta Review and in anthologies including Ghosts of the Holocaust, California Women Poets, and America, We Call Your Name. Her second collection of poetry, Blood Memory, winner of the Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize, received the 2020 Northern California Authors and Publishers Gold Award for Poetry and the 2021 Best Book Awards in the “Poetry: Religious” category. Gail has worked for California Poets in the Schools as a poet-teacher and San Francisco Coordinator and as a museum educator at the San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum. She currently teaches Genocide and Holocaust poetry workshops for writers and educators. Gail lives in San Francisco and Sebastopol, CA with her husband.
Published Works
Blood Memory (Marsh Hawk Press, 2020)
One World (Moon Tide Press, 2011)
Poetry Inside and Out (San Francisco State Local Publication, 1987)