Richard Fox
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Richard Fox seeks three-decker rainbows, fluent scout dogs, and illuminating espresso. When not writing about rock ’n roll or youthful transgressions, his poems focus on cancer from the patient’s point of view drawing on hope, humor, and unforeseen gifts. He is the author of seven poetry collections, the latest: Once I was born to live (2022). Winner of the 2017 Frank O’Hara Prize, Richard seconds Stanley Kunitz’ motion that people in Worcester are “provoked to poetry.”
Published Works
Once I was born to live (Big Table Publishing, 2022)
Let sleep bless our arrival (Big Table Publishing, 2022)
embracing the burlesque of collateral damage (Big Table Publishing, 2020)
You’re my favorite horse (Big Table Publishing, 2017)
The Complete Uncle Louie Poems (Kittacuck Press, 2017)
wandering in puzzle boxes (Big Table Publishing, 2015)
TIME BOMB: POEMS (Kittacuck Press, 2013)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Webster University 1976