Jennifer Kronovet
Jennifer Kronovet is the author of two poetry collections: The Wug Test (Ecco) and Awayward (BOA). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bomb, Fence, The Nation, The New Republic, Ploughshares, A Public Space, The New York Times, and elsewhere. She co-translated The Acrobat (Tebot Bach), by Yiddish writer Celia Dropkin, and, using the name Jennifer Stern, co-translated Empty Chairs (Graywolf), by Chinese poet Liu Xia. She edits Circumference Books, a new press for poetry in translation that she founded.
Published Works
The Wug Test (Ecco/HarperCollins, 2016)
Awayward (BOA Editions, 2009)
Empty Chairs by Liu Xia (Graywolf, 2015)
The Acrobat by Celia Dropkin (Tebot Bach, 2014)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Current Title
Editor of Circumference Books
Languages of Publication(s) and Poets Translated
Yiddish, Celia Dropkin. Chinese, Liu Xia. German, Hilda Domin.