Miller Oberman
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Miller Oberman is a poet, editor and professor, and the author of The Unstill Ones, poems and translations, published as part of the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, 2017.
He has received a number of awards for his poetry, including a Ruth Lilly Fellowship, a 92Y Discovery Prize, and Poetry magazine’s John Frederick Nims Memorial Prize for Translation. Poems from The Unstill Ones appeared in Poetry, London Review of Books, the Nation, Boston Review, Tin House, and Harvard Review. Poems from his current project, “Impossible Things,” have appeared or are forthcoming in The New Yorker, Poetry, Poem-a-Day, The Hopkins Review, and Foglifter.
Miller is an editor at Broadsided Press, which publishes monthly visual-literary collaborations as free posters for anyone to download and print. He teaches poetry workshops at Brooklyn Poets, and teaches in and directs the First-Year Writing program at Eugene Lang College at The New School.
Miller lives with his family in Queens, New York.
Published Works
The Unstill Ones (Princeton UP, 2017)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
BA Sarah Lawrence College
MFA Georgia College
MA/PhD University of Connecticut