Photo Credit: Liron Kopinsky

Adina Kopinsky

Current City, State, Country


Birth City, State, Country

California, USA


Adina Kopinsky is attempting to balance poetry, motherhood, and contemplative living. She is originally from Los Angeles and now lives in Israel with her husband and four young sons. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and been a runner-up in the Gemini Open poetry prize as well as a finalist for the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award. Her work is published or forthcoming in Crannog, PANK, SWWIM Every Day, and Glass: Journal of Poetry, among other publications.

What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?

I’m not sure I could possibly be a poet without my Jewishness. More often than not, my poems are my prayers and my Torah reflections even more than actual Tefila or divrei Torah. Growing up Orthodox and as a practicing Orthodox Jew, I have synthesized my understanding of my poetry as the speakings of my neshama, as the authentic reflection of my divine spark. Jewish history, Torah allusions, halachic and midrashic understandings, our history as a people — all feature frequently in my writing.

Links to Sample Works

Current Title

Poet, Workshop Facilitator, Mother, Lactation Consultant


California State University Northridge, BA, English Literature

Subject Matter
