Alison Carb Sussman
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Alison Carb Sussman, a 2015 Pushcart Prize nominee, has garnered numerous awards and publications throughout her writing career. Her first full-length poetry book, Black Wool Cape, was published by Unsolicited Press in 2022. Her chapbook, On the Edge, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2013. Sussman won the Abroad Writers’ Conference/Finishing Line Press Authors Poetry Contest and read her winning poems as the Contest’s guest in Dublin, Ireland in 2015. Her poem “Dirty” was a finalist in Naugatuck River Review‘s 11th Annual Narrative Poetry Contest in 2019. (The contest judge was Lauren K. Alleyne.) Her poem “Anhedonia” (now “Anhedonic Woman”) was a finalist in the 49th Parallel Award for Poetry in Bellingham Review‘s 2016 Literary Contests. Her poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, Gargoyle, The New York Times, Rattle, Southword, and other publications. She lives in New York City.
Published Works
Black Wool Cape (Unsolicited Press, 2022)
On the Edge (Finishing Line Press, 2013)
Links to Sample Works
Sarah Lawrence College, BA
New York University, Journalism, MA