Anique Sara Taylor
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Anique Sara Taylor’s full-length poetry book Where Space Bends was published in May 2020. A Pushcart Prize Nominee, her work has appeared in Rattle, Common Ground Review, Adanna, St. Mark’s Poetry Project’s The World, Stillwater Review, Earth’s Daughters, among others and in several anthologies. Her chapbook Poems was published by Unimproved Editions Press. She’s co-authored works for HBO, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster and a three-act play that was performed by Playwrights Horizons and Williamstown Theatre Festival. Where Space Bends in earlier chapbook versions was chosen Finalist in 2014 by Minerva Rising and Blue Light Press’ Chapbook Competitions and Under the Ice Moon by Blue Light Press in 2015. She teaches/taught Creative Writing for Benedictine Hospital’s Oncology Support Program, Bard LLI, Writers in the Mountains. She holds a Poetry MFA (Drew University), Diplôme (The Sorbonne), Antioch College (Literature), a Drawing MFA & Painting BFA (With Highest Honors / Pratt Institute) and a Master of Divinity Degree.
Published Works
Where Space Bends (Finishing Line Press 2020)
Poems (Unimproved Editions Press / St. Mark’s Poetry Project 1985)
Author Site
Graduate Institutions:
Drew University MFA (Poetry)
Pratt Graduate School MFA (Drawing)
Master of Divinity, University of Metaphysical Sciences
Master of Divinity, Helix Healing Ministry
Undergraduate Institutions:
Pratt Institute -With Highest Honors BFA (Painting)
The Sorbonne – Diplôme
Cooper Union
Silvermine College of Art AFA (Printmaking)
Antioch College