Photo credit: John Dropkin, Courtesy of the Jewish Women's Archive

Celia Dropkin


Current City, State, Country

New York, New York, USA

Birth City, State, Country

Bobruysk, Belarus


Celia Dropkin was an influential Yiddish poet. Born in Eastern Europe, she received both a traditional Jewish and a secular education, and emigrated to New York in 1912, at the age of 25. Dropkin’s only poetry collection, In Heysn Vint (In a Hot Wind), established her as one of modern Yiddish’s major poets, and she was known in particular for her explicitly erotic lyrics, which influenced a generation of Yiddish writers.

Published Works

The Acrobat: Selected Poems of Celia Dropkin, translated from Yiddish by Faith Jones, Jennifer Kronovet, and Samuel Solomon. Foreword by Edward Hirsch (Tebot Bach, 2014)

Author Site

Links to Sample Works

Languages of Publication(s) and Poets Translated


Subject Matter


Profile Created By

Daniel Kraft