Dan Kraines
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Dan Kraines is a queer poet of Viennese, Ukrainian, and Bolivian heritage. He lives in an old tenement building on the Lower East Side. Dan teaches creative writing and nonfiction at the Fashion Institute of Technology and he also teaches English Language Arts to underserved high school students of New York. His full length collection has been a finalist with Copper Canyon, for the Donald Hall Prize, the Gerald Cable Book Award, and the Amsterdam Open Book Prize. It wrestles with violence of the body and body politic. This book underscores how lyric sequences complicate affirming survival narratives with modes that are politically fraught, lucid, and lonely. His queer responses to Rilke appeared in Rejected Lit Mag and his poems have been published in The Adroit Journal, The Cortland Review, and Epiphany, among many other magazines. You can get Licht (7 Kitchens Press) his first chapbook, from 7 Kitchens Press. Dan completed his MFA at Boston University and an MA in modernist art and politics from NYU. His doctoral dissertation on the poetics of Queer Longing, won the Susan B. Anthony Award in gender and sexuality studies from the University of Rochester. You can contact him directly @dan_kraines for his new chapbook, Jaffa (FIT Press).
What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?
There is an inextricably close relationship between Judaism and my poetics. Mysticism, holiday traditions, intergenerational trauma, and the problems of diaspora manifest in many of my poems, often in sequences that argue and correspond with one another.
Published Works
Jaffa (FIT Press, 2024)
Licht (7 Kitchens Press, 2022)
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Skidmore College
Master’s in Experimental Humanities, New York University
MFA, University of Rochester
Doctorate in Poetics, Modernism, Sexuality Studies, Boston University
Susan B. Anthony Institute at the University of Rochester