Photo Credit: David Cooper

David Swerdlow

b. 1960

Current City, State, Country

New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, USA

Birth City, State, Country

Cleveland, Ohio, USA


David Swerdlow is the author of three full-length collections of poetry, including Nightstand (Broadstone Books, 2023). His work has appeared in Poetry, American Poetry Review, Iowa Review, West Branch and many other distinguished journal and anthologies. The recipient of several awards, Swerdlow has received two grants from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, as well as an Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award for poetry with a Jewish theme. He served as a Fulbright Professor of American Literature in Peru, as a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, and as visiting faculty on two Semester at Sea voyages. Since 1990, he has taught literature and creative writing at Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania.

What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?

While my poems don’t often delve directly into Jewish subject matter, I feel the culture at work in most everything I write. I feel the culture’s music, its attention to matters of justice, its candles in the night. Throughout and perhaps because of my Jewish upbringing, I developed an attachment to doubt and intellectual skepticism that is both at odds with and cherished within my experience of Judaism.

Published Works

Nightstand (Broadstone Books, 2023)
Bodies on Earth (WordTech Editions, 2010)
Small Holes in the Universe (WordTech Editions, 2003)

Television Man (Czykmate Productions, 2019)

Links to Sample Works

Video Reading

Current Title

Professor of English, Westminster College


University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. in English
Ohio University, Athens, M.A. and PhD in English

Languages of Publication(s) and Poets Translated

Spanish, César Vallejo

Subject Matter
