Diane Frank
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Diane Frank is author of eight books of poems, three novels, and a photo memoir of her 400 mile trek in the Nepal Himalayas. While Listening to the Enigma Variations: New and Selected Poems is Winner of the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Poetry. Diane plays cello in the Golden Gate Symphony and creates her life as an art form. Her “Tree of Life” poem, which she wrote four days after the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, was set to music by Matt Arnerich and performed by the Golden Gate Symphony. Blackberries in the Dream House, her first novel, won the Chelson Award for Fiction and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.
Published Works
While Listening to the Enigma Variations: New and Selected Poems (Glass Lyre Press, 2021)
Canon for Bears and Ponderosa Pines (Glass Lyre Press, 2018)
Swan Light (Blue Light Press, 2013)
Entering the Word Temple (Blue Light Press, 2005)
The Winter Life of Shooting Stars (Blue Light Press, 1999)
The All Night Yemenite Café (Dark River Press, 1993)
Rhododendron Sheddings Its Skin (Blue Light Press, 1988)
Isis: Poems by Diane Frank (Project Press, 1981)
Yoga of the Impossible (1st World Publishing, 2014)
Blackberries in the Dream House (1st World Publishing, 2003)
Photo Memoir
Letters from a Sacred Mountain Place: A Journey through the Nepal Himalayas (Nirala Publications, 2018)
Edited Works
Fog and Light: San Francisco through the Eyes of the Poets Who Live Here (Editor, Blue Light Press, 2021)
Pandemic Puzzle Poems (Co-Editor, Blue Light Press, 2021)
Carrying the Branch: Poets in Search of Peace(Co-Editor, Glass Lyre Press, 2017)
River of Earth and Sky: Poems for the Twenty-First Century (Editor, Blue Light Press, 2015)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Syracuse University, BA with Honors, Magna Cum Laude, in English Composition and Psychology
San Francisco State University, MA in English/Creative Writing