Eve Grubin
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Eve Grubin is the author of three collections: Morning Prayer (Sheep Meadow Press), The House of Our First Loving (Rack Press) and Grief Dialogue (Rack Press).
She is a lecturer at NYU in London and a tutor at the Poetry School.
Eve is the recipient of the AHRC / TECHNE scholarship to write her PhD thesis (Kingston University): “Boat of Letters and the Poetics of Reticence”.
Eve’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in many literary journals and magazines, including The American Poetry Review, PN Review, The New Republic, Poetry Review, and Conjunctions, where her chapbook-size group of poems was featured and introduced by Fanny Howe. Her poems have also appeared in anthologies such as The Poets Quest for God: 21st Century Poems of Faith, Doubt, and Wonder (Eyewear Press 2016), The World is Charged: Poetic Engagements with Gerard Manley Hopkins (Clemson / Liverpool University Press, 2016), and The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry (2014).
Her essays have appeared in anthologies including This-World Company: Collected Essays on the Work of Jean Valentine (U of Mich Press, 2012) and The Veil: Women Writers on Its History Lore and Politics (U of CA Press 2009) as well as in the academic journal U.S. Studies Online (‘Emily Dickinson and the Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: The Poetics and Politics of Reticence’, 2016).
Eve was the programs director at the Poetry Society of America (2001-2006) and taught poetry at The New School for Social Research (2001-2007) and in the graduate creative writing program at the City College of New York (2005-2008).
Recent teaching experience includes Eve’s classes on Emily Dickinson at the Poetry School as well as a course on The Poetics of Reticence also at the Poetry School. She also taught a day-long seminar Poems on the Hebrew Bible at the Poetry School. She has taught courses at the London School of Jewish Studies where she has been poet in residence.
Published Works
Grief Dialogue (Rack Press, 2022)
The House of Our First Loving (Rack Press, 2018)
Morning Prayer (Sheep Meadow Press, 2016)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Smith College, BA
Sarah Lawrence College, MFA
Middlebury College, MA
Kingston University, PhD