Harriet Levin Millan
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Harriet Levin Millan is the author of three poetry collections, The Christmas Show, chosen by Eavan Boland for the Barnard New Women Poets Prize and the Poetry Society of America’s Alice Fay di Castagnola Award; Girl in Cap and Gown, a National Poetry Series finalist; and My Oceanography. She is also the author of the novel How Fast Can You Run, originally excerpted in The Kenyon Review. Her poetry has appeared in journals such as Harvard Review, The Iowa Review, Ploughshares, Narrative, and The Kenyon Review, and she has written nonfiction for The Smart Set and The Forward. She holds an MFA from the University of Iowa and teaches creative writing in the undergraduate and MFA programs at Drexel University, where she is a 2022-23 Stein Fellow in collaboration with Bar Ilan University for travel and research in Israel for a novel in progress. For the past seven years, she has been leading Drexel University creative writing students on a trip to Haiti focused on PEN Haiti. Besides Drexel, Hari has taught writing at New York University, The University of Pennsylvania, Rosemont College, The College of New Rochelle, Temple University, Hunter College Campus High School, New York State Poet-in-the-Schools, and at several writers conferences including The Iowa Summer Writing Festival, the Catskills Writers Conference, The Philadelphia Writers’ Conference, and the Festival of Writers and Writing at St. Mary’s College, Maryland. She’s held residencies at Yaddo, The Virginia Center for the Arts, and the Vermont Studio Center, and she visited Kenya with Summer Literary Seminars and South Sudan on a Drexel University International Travel Award and the site of her family’s shtetls in Ukraine and Poland on a Drexel University Creative Research Award.
Published Works
My Oceanography (CavanKerry, 2018)
Girl in Cap and Gown (Mammoth Books, 2010)
The Christmas Show (Beacon Press, Barnard New Women Poets Prize Series, 1996)
How Fast Can You Run (a novel based on the life of Michael Majok Kuch; Harvard Square Editions, 2016).
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy: Linking Creative Writers, Researchers and Teachers (Edited with Martha Pennington; Equinox, 2016)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Current Title
Undergraduate: SUNY at Stony Brook; Temple University, B.A. English
Graduate: University of Iowa, M.F.A. Creative Writing (Poetry)