Heather Altfeld
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Heather Altfeld is a poet and essayist. She has an undergraduate degree from Columbia University in New York with majors in both Anthropology and Creative Writing, and an MFA in Poetry from the California State MFA consortium. Her two books of poetry are Post-Mortem (Orison Books, 2021) and The Disappearing Theatre (Poets at Work, 2016). Her work is featured in the 2019 Best American Essays, Orion Magazine, Aeon Magazine, Narrative Magazine, and others. She was the 2017 recipient of the Robert H. Winner Award with the Poetry Society of America and the 2015 recipient of the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry. She teaches in the Department of Comparative Religion and Humanities and the Honors Program at CSU Chico.
Published Works
Post-Mortem (Orison Books, 2021)
The Disappearing Theatre (Poets At Work Press, 2016)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Columbia University of New York, Undergraduate, Anthropology and Creative Writing
City College of New York
California State University: Chico, MFA in Poetry