Jaclyn Piudik
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Jaclyn Piudik is the author of To Suture What Frays (Kelsay Books 2017) and three chapbooks, the corpus undone in the blizzard (Espresso Chapbooks 2019), Of Gazelles Unheard (Beautiful Outlaw 2013) and The Tao of Loathliness (fooliar press 2005/8). Seduction: Out of Eden, written collaboratively with Janet R. Kirchheimer is just out from Kelsay Books. Her poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals, including New American Writing, Columbia Poetry Review, Burning House and Barrow Street. She received a New York Times Fellowship for Creative Writing as well as the Alice M. Sellers Award from the Academy of American Poets. Her poem “Clepsydra” won the 2022 Very Small Verse Prize from the League of Canadian Poets. She holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from the City College of New York, as well as an M.A. and Ph.D. in Medieval Studies and Jewish Studies from the University of Toronto. Jaclyn teaches creative and academic writing at the University of Toronto and has a private mentoring practice. She also works as an editor of poetry and academic monographs.
Published Works
Seduction: Out of Eden, written collaboratively with Janet R. Kirchheimer (Kelsay Books, 2022)
the corpus undone in the blizzard (chapbook; Espresso Chapbooks, 2019)
To Suture What Frays (Kelsay Books, 2017)
Of Gazelles Unheard (chapbook; Beautiful Outlaw Press, 2013)
The Tao of Laothliness (chapbook; fooliar press, 2005/2008)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Graduate Institution, Ph.D. in Medieval Studies, Centre for Medieval Studies, Collaborative Doctorate in Jewish Studies, Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto
Graduate Institution, M.A. Medieval Studies, Centre For Medieval Studies, University of Toronto
Graduate Institution, M.A. English, Creative Writing/Poetry, City College of New York
Undergraduate Institution, B.A. Liberal Arts, Hampshire College