Jane Medved
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Jane Medved is the author of Deep Calls To Deep (winner of the Many Voices Project, New Rivers Press) and the chapbook Olam, Shana, Nefesh (Finishing Line Press) Recent essays and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Mason St., Swwim, Ruminate, The North American Review, The Normal School, and The Seneca Review. Her awards include winner of the 2021 RHINO translation prize and Honorable Mention – 2021 Janet B. McCabe Poetry Prize. Her translations of Hebrew poetry can be seen in The High Window, Hala, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and Copper Nickel. She is the poetry editor of the Ilanot Review, and a visiting lecturer in the Graduate Creative Writing Program at Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv.
Published Works
Deep Calls To Deep (New Rivers Press, 2017)
Olam, Shana, Nefesh (Finishing Line Press, 2014)
Wayfarers (Grid Books, 2024)
Translation from Hebrew
Wherever We Float (Saturanalia Books, 2024)
Links to Sample Works
Current Title
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Bar Ilan University, Graduate Creative Writing Program