Joanna Fuhrman
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Joanna Fuhrman is an Assistant Teaching Professor in Creative Writing at Rutgers University, and the author of six books of poetry, most recently To a New Age (Hanging Loose Press 2021). Her seventh book, Data Mind, a collection of prose poems about the internet, is forthcoming from Curbstone/Northwestern University Press in 2024. She is a former poetry editor of Ping Pong and Boog City and served as the Monday night coordinator for the poetry readings at the Poetry Project at Saint Mark’s Church from 2001-2003 and the Wednesday night coordinator from 2010-2011. In May and April 2022, she was co-curator of the Segue readings at Artist Space. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including The Believer, Conduit, Denver Quarterly, Fence, Quarterly West, and American Letters and Commentary, as well as on the Poetry Foundation and the Academy of American Poets (poem-a-day) websites, and in anthologies published by Soft Skull Press, HarperCollins, New York University, Carnegie Mellon University and others. Her poem “Stagflation” won a 2011 Pushcart Prize, and her poem “Lavender” was featured on The Slowdown podcast. Her essays on teaching poetry appear regularly in Teachers & Writers Magazine. She also creates poetry videos that are on her own Vimeo site and in literary journals including Posit, Triquarterly, Moving Poems Journal, Fence Digital, and Requited. In 2022, she became one of the editors of Hanging Loose Press.
Published Works
Data Mind (Curbstone/Northwestern, forthcoming in 2024)
To a New Era (Hanging Loose Press, 2021)
The Year of Yellow Butterflies (Hanging Loose Press, 2015)
Pageant (Alice James Books, 2009)
Moraine (Hanging Loose Press, 2006)
Ugh Ugh Ocean (Hanging Loose Press, 2003)
Freud in Brooklyn (2000)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
The University of Texas, BA
The University of Washington, MFA