Judith Koren
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Judy Koren was born in the US, grew up in England, and after a degree in English literature immigrated to Israel, where she was a freelance information analyst. She started to write poetry more seriously after retiring in 2017. She writes all types of poetry but enjoys best experimenting with metrical/rhymed verse. Her poems have appeared in Israeli literary magazines (The Deronda Review and the annual Voices Israel Anthology) and in international literary publications including Better Than Starbucks; Blue Unicorn; Lighten Up Online (UK), The Orchards Poetry Journal, The Poetry SuperHighway, The Road Not Taken, The Society of Classical Poets “Best of 2021” print journal, and The Taj Mahal Review. She is currently President of Voices Israel, an Israel-based society open to poets anywhere, who write poetry in English, and gives occasional workshops through the society.
She is also an active member of the Haifa English Theatre, a local community theater which stages plays in English, and has acted in several of them. She lives in Haifa with her husband, a physics professor emeritus at the Technion, and has two children, four grandchildren and numerous cats. Apart from writing poetry and running Voices Israel, she enjoys reading, the theater, and hiking.
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BA in English language and literature, Bristol University, England.
MA in Information Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.