Laura Budofsky Wisniewski
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Laura Budofsky Wisniewski is the author of the collection, Sanctuary, Vermont (Orison Books) which won the 2020 Orison Poetry Prize and the New England Poetry Club’s 2022 Sheila Margaret Motton Book Prize. She is also author of the chapbook, How to Prepare Bear (Redbird Chapbooks). She was runner up in the 2021 Missouri Review Miller Audio Prize, and winner of Ruminate Magazine’s 2020 Janet B. Mccabe Poetry Prize, the 2019 Poetry International Prize, and the 2014 Passager Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in Narrative, The Missouri Review, Image, Hunger Mountain Review, American Journal of Poetry, Pilgrimage, The Examined Life and other journals. Laura lives quietly in a small town in Vermont.
Published Works
Sanctuary, Vermont (Orison Books, 2022)
How to Prepare Bear (chapbook; Redbird Chapbooks, 2019)