Lori Desrosiers
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Lori (Feldstein) Desrosiers’ poetry books are The Philosopher’s Daughter, Sometimes I Hear the Clock Speak, and Keeping Planes in the Air, all from Salmon Poetry. Two chapbooks, Inner Sky and Typing with e.e. cummings, are from Glass Lyre Press. Poems have appeared in New Millennium Review, Contemporary American Voices, Bloomsbury Anthology of Jewish-American Poetry, String Poet, Blue Fifth Review, Pirene’s Fountain, New Verse News, Mom Egg Review, and many other journals and anthologies. They teach Poetry in the Lesley University M.F.A. graduate program. Desrosiers edits and publishes two journals, Naugatuck River Review, a journal of narrative poetry and Wordpeace.co, a digital literary and art project dedicated to peace and social justice.
Published Works
Keeping Planes in the Air (Salmon Poetry, 2020)
Typing with e.e. cummings (Glass Lyre Press, 2019)
Sometimes I Hear the Clock Speak (Salmon Poetry, 2016)
Inner Sky (Glass Lyre Press, 2015)
The Philosopher’s Daughter (Salmon Poetry, 2013)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
New England College (MFA)
Lesley University (M.Ed.)
Goucher College (B.A.)