Lori Rottenberg
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Birth City, State, Country
Lori Rottenberg is a poet who was born in New York but has lived in Arlington, Virginia since 1987. She has published poetry and creative non-fiction in many journals and anthologies, and her writings on Judaism have been shared widely through the Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness site. One of her poems was picked for the 2021 Arlington Moving Words competition and appeared on county buses, and she has served as a visiting poet in the Arlington Public Schools Pick-a-Poet program since 2007. She has worked at George Mason University since 2013 as a writing instructor for international students and a teacher of poetry in the Honors College. She is in her third year of studies at the George Mason University MFA Poetry program.
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Hamilton College, B.A. in Creative Writing, 1987
George Mason University, M.A. in Linguistics and Teaching English as a Second Language, 1995
M.F.A., Poetry, George Mason University, M.F.A. in Poetry, 2023