Lynne Bronstein
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Lynne Bronstein is the author of five poetry collections, Astray from Normalcy, Roughage, Thirsty in the Ocean, Border Crossings, and Nasty Girls. Her poetry and short fiction have been published in magazines, newspapers, anthologies, and on web sites, including Playgirl, Beyond Baroque Obras, California State Poetry Quarterly, VolNo, Electrum, Poetry Superhighway, poeticdiversity, Silver Birch Press, Chiron Review, Galway Review, Lummox, Spectrum, Voices from Leimert Park, The Art of Being Human, Revolutionary Poets Brigade, Free Venice Beachhead, Caffeine, OnTarget, Subtletea, The Stone Bird, and Al-Khemia. In addition, she has been a journalist for five decades, writing for the Los Angeles Times and other Los Angeles area newspapers. She adapted Shakespeare’s As You Like It as a contemporary Valley-speak spoof which was performed at the Studio City and Hollywood public libraries. She has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes for poetry and for five Best of the Net Awards for poetry and short fiction. She won a prize for her short story “Why Me” and two prizes from Channel 37 public access for news writing. She has taught poetry and journalism workshops for children at 826LA and for the Arcadia Library and was cited by the city and county of Los Angeles for her mentoring work with Jewish Vocational Service. She has also published a short story in the crime fiction anthology LAst Resort from Sisters in Crime. A native New Yorker and LA transplant, she lives in Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley and has three cats.
Published Works
Nasty Girls (Four Feathers Press, 2020)
Border Crossings (self-published, 2004)
Thirsty in the Ocean (self-published, 1980)
Roughage (self-published, 1977)
Astray From Normalcy (self-published, 1974)
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Fordham University, Liberal Arts College, 1968-1972.