Marc Jampole
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Marc Jampole has had published one novel, The Brothers Silver (Owl Canyon Press, 2021) and two books of poetry, Music from Words (Bellday Books, 2007) and Cubist States of Mind/Not the Cruelest Month (Poet’s Haven Press, 2017). His poems and short stories have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Evansville Review, Dalhousie Review, Cortland Review, Mississippi Review, Connecticut River Review, Barrow Street, Vallum, Slant, Clackamas Review, and Jewish Currents, among many others publications. Four of his poems were nominate for a Pushcart Prize. When he graduated with a BA (Honors) from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marc was named the outstanding student. He also has an MA and an ABD in comparative literature from the University of Washington and conducted independent research while on a Fulbright Fellowship to the Free University of West Berlin. His work on the 1980 elections were nominated for an Emmy. A former television news reporter and public relations executive, Marc currently writes poetry and fiction full time.
Published Works
The Brothers Silver (Owl Canyon Press, 2021)
Cubist States of Mind/Not the Cruelest Month (Poets Haven Press, 2017)
Music from Words (Bellday Books, 2007)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1971, BA in comparative literature; awarded the Robert Norris Scholarship for Outstanding Student
University of Washington, 1973- MA in comparative literature, 1974- ABD in comparative literature
Free University of Berlin, 1976-77: Independent research on a Fulbright Fellowship