Maureen Sherbondy
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Maureen Sherbondy’s work has appeared in European Judaism, Zeek, Southern Humanities Review, and other journals. She has published 11 poetry books. Maureen has also published short stories and a young adult novel.
What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?
Rituals, beliefs, attitudes from my Jewish upbringing find a way into my creative works. Even if not on the surface, these threads are present in the writing itself.
Published Works
Lines in Opposition (Unsolicited Press, 2022)
Dancing with Dali (FutureCycle Press, 2020)
Belongings (MSR, 2017)
The Art of Departure (Kelsay Books, 2015)
Beyond Fairy Tales (MSR, 2014)
Eulogy for an Imperfect Man (Brick Road, 2013)
The Year of Dead Fathers (Robert Watson Poetry Award Winner; Spring Garden Press, Story South, 2012)
Praying at Coffee Shops (MSR, 2008)
Lucky Brilliant (Black Rose Writing, 2020)
The Slow Vanishing (MSR, 2008)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Current Title
Rutgers University, B.A., Certificate in Industrial Education
Queens University of Charlotte, M.F.A. in Poetry