Michael Sandler
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Michael Sandler is the author of a poetry collection, The Lamps of History (FutureCycle Press, 2021). It includes poems that explore a Jewish family’s history as well as questions of connection, faith and doubt. A scaffolding for the book are a group of ekphrastic poems based on photographs by Roman Vishniac documenting Jewish life in Eastern Europe between 1935 and 1938. Kirkus Reviews described the book as a “complex, electric work of erudite poems.” Besides being a poet, Michael has had a career as lawyer and worked in the State Department. He began to publish in 2009. Since then, his poems have appeared in scores of literary journals, including recently in THINK, Literary Imagination, and Smartish Pace. Michael lives near Seattle.
Published Works
The Lamps of History (FutureCycle Press, 2021)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Stanford University, A.B.
Yale University, J.D.