Olga Livshin
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Olga Livshin’s poetry and translations appear in the New York Times, Ploughshares, the Kenyon Review, and other journals. She is the author of A Life Replaced: Poems with Translations from Anna Akhmatova and Vladimir Gandelsman (Poets & Traitors Press, 2019). Livshin co-translated A Man Only Needs a Room, a volume of Vladimir Gandelsman’s poetry, forthcoming from New Meridian Arts Books in 2022, and Today is a Different War by the Ukrainian poet Lyudmyla Khersonska, forthcoming from Arrowsmith Press in 2023. She is a private creative writing teacher, working with children.
Published Works
Poetry & Translation
Today is a Different War (by the Ukrainian poet Lyudmyla Khersonska; forthcoming from Arrowsmith Press, 2023)
A Man Only Needs a Room (a volume of Vladimir Gandelsman’s poetry; forthcoming from New Meridian Arts Books, 2022)
A Life Replaced: Poems with Translations from Anna Akhmatova and Vladimir Gandelsman (Original poetry by Russian-American poet Olga Livshin, alongside her translations of Russian poetry by Anna Akhmatova, 1889-1966, and Vladimir Gandelsman, b.1948. Foreword by Ilya Kaminsky; Poets & Traitors Press, 2019)