Ori Fienberg
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Ori Fienberg’s poetry is forthcoming this year in Cimarron Review, The Dallas Review, Ploughshares, Smartish Pace, and Superstition Review. Ori is the author of the chapbooks Old Habits, New Markets (elsewhere press), and Interim Assistant Dean of Having a Rich Inner Life (Ghost City Press). Additionally, Where Babies Come From (Cornerstone Press, 2024) will be available this fall. More writing can be found at orifienberg.com.
What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?
While Ori’s work only occasionally engages directly with Jewish culture, he is inspired by other Jewish poets and writers, and his culture’s spirituality, folklore, food, debate, and humanistic values impact everything he writes.
Published Works
Where Babies Come From (Cornerstone Press, 2024)
Interim Assistant Dean of Having a Rich Inner Life (Ghost City Press, 2023)
Old Habits, New Markets (elsewhere micro-press, 2020)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Oberlin College, BA Creative Writing
University of Iowa, MFA Nonfiction Writing Program