Philip Terman
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Philip Terman’s books of poetry include The Whole Mishpocha: New and Selected Jewish Poems (1998-2023), My Blossoming Everything (Saddle Road Press, 2024), Our Portion: New and Selected Poems (Autumn House, 2015), The Torah Garden
(Autumn House, 2011), and Rabbis of the Air (Autumn House, 2007). As co-translator, Tango Beneatha Narrow Ceiling: The Selected poems of Riad Saleh Hussein (Bitter Oleander, 2021).
His poems and essays have appeared in many journals and including Poetry Magazine, The Kenyon Review, Tikkun, The Georgia Review and Poetry International. He has also appeared in several anthologies including The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, 101 Poets for the Next Millennium, Blood to
Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust, Joyful Noise: An Anthology of Spiritual Literature, and Extraordinary Rendition: American Writers on Palestine.
Retired from Clarion University, he served as co-director of the Chautauqua Writers Festival for 14 years. Currently, he directs The Bridge Literary Arts Center in Venango County, PA and is co-
curator of the Jewish Poetry Reading Series, sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of Buffalo.
Recipient of the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award for Poems on
the Jewish Experience, Terman conducts poetry workshops and coaches writing hither and yon. He has collaborated with composers, visual artists, and he performs his poetry with the jazz band Catro.
Published Works
The Whole Mishpocha (Benyehuda Press, 2024)
This Crazy Devotion (Broadstone Books, 2020)
Our Portion: New and Selected Poems (Autumn House Press, 2015)
The Torah Garden (Autumn House Press, 2011)
Rabbis of the Air (Autumn House Press, 2007)
Book of the Unbroken Days (Mammoth Books, 2005)
The House of Sages (Mammoth Books, 1998)
What Survives (Sow’s Ear Press, 1993)
Tango Under a Narrow Ceiling: the Poems of Riad Saleh Hussein (translated from the Arabic by Saleh Razzouk and Philip Terman; Bitter Oleander, 2021)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Ohio State University, Ph.d. English
Ohio University, MA, English
Ohio University, BA, English