Pia Borsheim
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Pia Taavila-Borsheim was raised in Michigan, and attended EMU for her BA and MA, then MSU for an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in three fields: English, Philosophy, and Sociology. She worked as a university professor for 43 years before retiring in 2020 from the Department of English at Gallaudet University. Since that time, she has devoted herself to writing, sailing, knitting, reading, and swimming in Lake Huron, which is one-quarter mile from her home in the pines and birches of Presque Isle. Pia has published over 300 poems in literary journals and magazines, has three chapbooks and two full-length collections, and is currently at work on a third. She is married to the BioInformation scientist David Borsheim; it is a late-life marriage, with a blended family of eight children, and oodles of grandkids. She is a member and service leader at three synagogues, and often interprets in ASL.
Published Works
Above the Birch Line (Gallaudet University Press, 2021)
Love Poems (chapbook; Cherry Grove Press, 2018)
Mother Mail (chapbook; Hermeneutic Chaos Press, 2017)
Two Winters (Georgetown, KY: Finishing Line Press, 2011)
Moon on the Meadow: Collected Poems (Gallaudet University Press 2008)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
- See Mishkan HaNefesh, Vol. II, Yom Kippur Morning Service, p. 249 “Yom Kippur.”
Video Reading
Current Title
BA 1977, MA 1979 Eastern Michigan University
Ph.D. 1985, Michigan State University