Rachel Hadas
Birth City, State, Country
Born in New York City in 1948, Rachel Hadas was educated at Radcliffe College (BA in Classics), Johns Hopkins (MA in Poetry), and Princeton (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature). She was also educated by four years spent in Greece. She began as a poet and has also written memoirs; translations from French, Latin, and Ancient and Modern Greek poetry; book reviews; and essays. Poetry remains her abiding love; her work is steeped in the books she has read and taught and in her own life as daughter, wife, mother, and teacher, but her poetry also increasingly engages with the state of the world – a 2021 collection is entitled Love and Dread.Since 2013 she has been collaborating with her husband Shalom Gorewitz on poetry videos. Rachel Hadas’s honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, an American Academy-Institute of Arts and Letters Award in Literature, and a fellowship at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library. She is Board of Governors Professor of English at the Newark campus of Rutgers University, where she has taught for many years.
Published Works
Pandemic Almanac (Ragged Sky Press, 2022)
Love and Dread (Measure Press, 2021)
Poems for Camilla (Measure Press, 2018)
Pass It On (Princeton University Press, 2016)
Questions in the Vestibule (TriQuarterly, 2016)
The River of Forgetfulness (WordTech Communications, 2016)
The Golden Road (TriQuarterly, 2012)
The Ache of Appetite (Copper Beech Press, 2010)
Laws (William Ralph Press, 2004)
Indelible (Wesleyan University Press, 2001)
Halfway Down the Hall (Wesleyan University Press, 1998)
The Empty Bed (Wesleyan University Press, 1995)
Mirrors of Astonishment (Rutgers University Press, 1992)
A Son from Sleep (Wesleyan University Press, 1987)
Slow Transparency (Wesleyan University Press, 1983)
Starting from Troy (David R. Godine, 1975)
Piece by Piece (Paul Dry Books, 2021)
Talking to the Dead (Spuyten Duyvil Publishing, 2015)
Strange Relation (Paul Dry Books, 2011)
Classics (Textos Books, 2007)
Merrill, Cavafy, Poems, and Dreams (University of Michigan Press, 2000)
The Double Legacy (Faber & Faber, 2996)
Living in Time (Rutgers University Press, 1990)
Form, Cycle, Infinity: Landscape Imagery in the Poetry of Robert Frost and George Seferis (Bucknell University Press, 1985)
The Iphigenia Plays of Euripides (Northwestern University Press, 2018)
The Helen of Euripides (University Pennsylvania Press, 1997)
The Oedipus of Seneca (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995)
Other Worlds Than This (Rutgers University Press, 1994)
Edited Anthologies
The Waiting Room Reader II (CavanKerry Press, 2013)
The Greek Poets: From Homer to the Present, coeditors Peter Constantine, Edmund Keeley, and Karen Van Dyck (W. W. Norton & Company, 2009)
Unending Dialogue: Voices from an AIDS Poetry Workshop (Faber and Faber, 1991)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
Radcliffe College
The Johns Hopkins University
Princeton University