Risa Denenberg
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Risa Denenberg was born in Washington DC, where she had her bat mitzvah in 1963. She has lived in Florida, NYC, and Pennsylvania before moving to the Pacific Northwest in 2008. She has worked in healthcare for almost five decades and currently works as a nurse practitioner in family medicine and hospice care. She is a co-founder of Headmistress Press, publisher of lesbian/bi/trans books of poetry; curator at The Poetry Café Online, a meeting place where poetry chapbooks are celebrated and reviewed; and is the Reviews Editor at River Mouth Review. She has published eight collections of poems, most recently, the full-length poetry collection, slight faith (MoonPath Press, 2018), the chapbook, Posthuman, finalist in the Floating Bridge 2020 chapbook competition; and the full length collection Rain/ Dweller (MoonPath Press in 2023).
What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?
I’ve published poems reflecting my Jewish faith and practice throughout my poetry collections and online journals.
Published Works
Rain Dweller (MoonPath Press, 2023)
POSTHUMAN (chapbook; Finalist, Floating Bridge Chapbook Contest, 2020)
slight faith (MoonPath Press, 2018)
Whirlwind at Lesbos (Headmistress Press, 2016)
Blinded by Clouds (Hyacinth Girl Press, 2014)
Mean Distance from the Sun (Kelsay Books, 2014)
In My Exam Room (The Lives You Touch Publications, 2014)
What We Owe Each Other (The Lives You Touch Publications, 2013)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Current Title
State University of New York, BSN, 1987
Columbia University, MSN, 1990