Photo credit: Barry Ebner

Sharon Coleman

b. 1966

Current City, State, Country

Berkeley, California, USA

Birth City, State, Country

California, USA


Sharon Coleman’s a fifth-generation Northern Californian with a penchant for languages and their entangled word roots. She writes for Poetry Flash, co-curates the reading series Lyrics & Dirges, and co-directs the Berkeley Poetry Festival. Her poetry and fiction appear in several publications, including Your Impossible Voice, Faultlines, Berkeley Poetry Review, White Stag, and Dream Pop Press. She’s studied Yiddish for 20 years and occasionally translates. She received the 2022 Maverick Award for her poetry from the ruth weiss Foundation, a scholarship from the Luso-American Foundation to attend the Disquiet Literary Conference in Lisbon and the Brereton scholarship to attend the Napa Valley Writer’s Conference. She’s taught composition, poetry writing, creative writing, and production & publication at Berkeley City College for 20 years and directs their art and literary journal, Milvia Street.

Published Works

Half Circle (chapbook; Finishing Line Press, 2013)

Paris Blinks
(micro-fiction; Paper Press, 2016)

Author Site

Links to Sample Works

Video Reading

Current Title

Adjunct English and Creative Writing Instructor


U.C. Berkeley, B.A. Comparative Literature
New College of California, M.A./M.F.A. Poetics

Languages of Publication(s) and Poets Translated

Yiddish, Avrom Suztkever, Peretz Markish

Subject Matter
