Susan Cohen
Current City, State, Country
Susan Cohen is the author of three full-length books of poems, and co-author of a non-fiction book. After a career as a reporter, science writer, journalism professor at UC Berkeley and contributing writer to the Washington Post Magazine, she earned an MFA in poetry. Since then, she’s won the Rita Dove Poetry Prize, Milton Kessler Memorial Poetry Prize, Annual Poetry Prize from Terrain.org, and Red Wheelbarrow Prize, among other honors. Her poems have appeared in the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry, PANK Jewish Diaspora Folio, Poet Lore, Poetry International, Prairie Schooner, Southern Humanities Review, Southern Review, 32 Poems, and elsewhere. Her translations from Yiddish of the work of Rajzel Zychlinsky have been published in Asymptote, Los Angeles Review, and Women’s Voices for Change.
Published Works
Democracy of Fire (Broadstone Books; 2022)
A Different Wakeful Animal (David Martinson-Meadowhawk Prize, Red Dragonfly Press; 2016)
Throat Singing (Cherry Grove Collections; 2012)
Normal at Any Cost; Tall Girls, Short Boys, and the Medical Industry’s Quest to Manipulate Height (with Christine Cosgrove; Tarcher/Penguin; 2009)
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
University of California, Berkeley BA, MJ
Pacific University MFA