Trisha Arlin
Current City, State, Country
Birth City, State, Country
Trisha Arlin is a liturgist, writer, performer and student of prayer in Brooklyn, NY and was a part-time rabbinic student at the Academy of Jewish Religion (AJR), 2012-18. Trisha was the Liturgist-In-Residence during the National Havurah Committee’s 2014 Summer Institute, has served as Scholar or Artist In Residence at many synagogues where she has read, led services and taught her class, Writing Prayer. Trisha is teaching prayer writing for Ritualwell 2022-2023. She is a builder of Bayit’s Liturgical Arts project. Trisha received a BA in Theater from Antioch College in 1975 and MFA in Film (Screenwriting) in 1997 from Columbia University. In 2009/2010, Trisha was an Arts Fellow at the Drisha Institute. In 2011, she graduated from the sixth cohort of the Davennen Leadership Training Institute (DLTI). A longtime member of Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of our Lives, a progressive unaffiliated congregation in Brooklyn NY, Trisha’s liturgy has been used at services and ritual occasions and in newsletter there and at venues of many denominations nationwide and she is published and anthologized widely. Trisha’s work has appeared in the Shirat Ha Lev (City Shul Press); Prophetic Voices (CCR Press); Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion; B’Chol Levavacha (CCAR PRESS); Renew Our Hearts (Ben Yehuda Press )and Studies in Judaism and Pluralism, among many others.
Published Works
Author Site
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
- Academy of Jewish Religion Rabbinic Student, 2012 – 2018, part-time
- Columbia University Master of Fine Arts in Film (Screenwriting) || 1997
- Antioch College Bachelor of Arts in Theater || 1975
- Hartman LimmudNY Fellowship || February – April 2016
- Certificate in Bibliodrama, Peter Pitzele || January 2015
- Conservative Yeshiva, Jerusalem, Summer Session || July 2013
- University of Haifa Hebrew Intensive Ulpan || August 2013
- Aleph Davennen Leadership Training Institute 6 (DLTI) || 2010 – 2012
- Drisha Institute Arts Fellow, Yesidot Program || 2009 – 2010
- Pardes Summer Session, Jerusalem || July-August 2008
- Writing New Midrashim with Alicia Ostriker || 1999