Yeva Johnson
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Yeva Johnson is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and musician whose work explores interlocking caste systems and possibilities for human co-existence in our biosphere. Her poetry appears or is forthcoming in Bellingham Review, Literary Mama, Obsidian, sin cesar, Sinister Wisdom, Yemassee, and elsewhere. Yeva’s poems have been anthologized in Essential Truths: The Bay Area in Color, Framework of the Human Body, and When We Exhale, among others. Johnson is a past Show Us Your Spines Artist-in-Residence (RADAR Productions/San Francisco Public Library), winner of the 2020 Mostly Water Art & Poetry Splash Contest and 3rd place winner of the 2022 Effie Lee Morris Literary Contest of the Women’s National Book Association. Yeva is a poet in QTPOC4SHO, a San Francisco Bay Area artists’ collective and was a Marion Weber Healing Arts Fellow at Mesa Refuge Residency. Johnson authored the Introduction to A Sturdy Yes of a People: Selected Writings by Joan Nestle published by Sinister Wisdom in 2022. Her debut poetry chapbook, Analog Poet Blues, will be published by Nomadic Press in 2023.
Published Works
Analog Poet Blues (chapbook; Nomadic Press, 2023)
A Sturdy Yes of a People: Selected Writings by Joan Nestle; introduction and co-editor (Sinister Wisdom, 2022)
Links to Sample Works
Brown University
University of California, Berkeley