Yetzirah Summer Conference: Sample FELLOW Application

Applicants who wish to join the Yetzirah Summer Conference as established poets should have published at least two full-length collections by a nationally-distributed press and have a strong record of publication.


First name:

Last name:


Cell phone:

Address 1:

Address 2:





Current job title(s):


Please, provide a professional bio of up to 200 words.


Yetzirah is a nonpolitical organization founded on the desire to provide a safe and welcoming space for Jewish poets of all denominations, degrees of religious engagement, races, ethnicities, sexualities, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, and political affiliations. All Yetzirah Summer Conference participants will be asked to sign a contract confirming their willingness to abide by Yetzirah’s values of inclusivity, mutual respect, and collegiality. Please, confirm your willingness to attend the conference in this spirit and sign such a contract. [Y/N]


Please, describe what drew you to the Yetzirah Summer Conference and what you hope to gain from attending as a Fellow.


We’ll be asking for different types of engagement from our Fellows (at least one, and perhaps two of the activities below). Please select all those that interest you:

  • Being a part of a discussion panel

  • Giving a craft talk

  • Giving a subject-based talk

  • Acting as a mentor for an emerging writer (all formal mentorship will be confined to the duration of the conference, and will include a 10-page manuscript consultation)

  • Other (fill in below)


If you checked that you are interested in being part of a discussion panel or in giving a talk, please, describe in 2 – 3 sentences your previous experiences taking part in these kinds of activities.


From the possible topics for afternoon craft/subject talks and discussion panels, please select those on which you feel you have something to share:

  • Introduction to specific Jewish poet or type of poetry

  • Opportunities for Jewish poets (Followed by extended Q&A)

  • Study of a specific text (biblical and/or literary)

  • What’s Jewish about Jewish poetry? 

  • Writing contemporary Midrash

  • Exilic studies

  • Writing the Holocaust

  • Divine gender (i.e. addresses to Adonai vs. Elohim vs. Shekinah, etc.)

  • Writing trauma (personal and generational)

  • Jewish poetry in translation/translation as a Jewish act

  • The Jewish vernacular(s)

  • Poetry as Prayer
  • Uses of humor

  • Other

If you checked that you are interested in serving as a mentor, please, describe in 2 – 3 sentences your previous experiences of mentoring others.


How did you hear about Yetzirah?


Is there anything else you’d like us to know?


If you do not receive a fellowship, would you be interested in attending the Yetzirah Summer Conference as a paying participant? [Y/N]


Please, upload a 5-page writing sample (12-point font, 1-inch margins) containing no more than one poem per page. If a poem has been published previously, please indicate the publication details at the top of the page. Poems will be read for their craft, not for their engagement (or lack thereof) with Jewish themes. [Link to upload]