Welcome to Yetzirah’s Database of Jewish Poets. We’re happy you’re here and adding a profile for yourself or a Jewish poet you admire who is not able to add their profile on their own.

As you continue, know that the information you provide in the text fields will appear on the public profile page, as will the subject matter categories you select as relevant to your work.


Demographic information such as your denomination, race, sexuality, etc. (any or all of which you should feel free to leave blank) will not appear on your public profile. Instead, this information will allow database users to search for and filter poets’ profiles by these categories, which we hope will be especially useful for scholars, teachers, and event organizers.

When you submit this form, it will be marked for review by the Yetzirah team. Once it’s approved, your author profile will be visible on the site (this make take up to a week).

*Before filling out the form, please know that for living poets, we have the following criteria for inclusion in the database:

  • Since January 1, 2015, you have published (not including self-published work):
    • A volume of 48 or more pages of poetry (what is commonly considered a full-length collection); or
    • 20 or more individual poems or pages of poetry that appear in at least five literary journals, anthologies, or publications that regularly include poetry as a portion of their format.
    • Up to 16 pages of that poetry may be from a single volume of poetry that is fewer than 48 pages (e.g. a chapbook)

 *If you are filling out this profile on behalf of a poet no longer living, we ask that they published at least one full-length collection.

And we ask that you only request an update to your profile if you’ve published a new full-length collection.

Please direct any questions to Kristen Lopez [email protected]

Please enter a valid email.

First Name

Last Name

Enter your name of publication if it differs from your legal name, or your name in your given language (the database will be searchable in multiple languages)

Birth Year (and, if applicable, year of death). Format examples "b. 1970" or "1930-1999". And please be aware this will appear on your bio if you include it.

Please enter your current, primary city, state and country with which you wish to be identified. Format example: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Where you were born: City, State, Country. Format example: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Poet Bio in Third Person (when choosing what to include, think of this more as an encyclopedia entry than an up-to-the-minute reader's bio):

List of Published Books – Title (Press, Year), Please List Most Recent First. Format Example: "A Beautiful Book (Poetry Press, 2001)" And if there are books in multiple genres, please separate them by genre (poetry, prose, literary criticism, translations, edited works, etc.)

Current Job Title / Organization (If Applicable):

Link to 1-3 poem(s) online you feel is/are representative of your work. Format: Journal, "Poem Title"--then please include the link.

If available, one link to a video and/or audio of you reading your poems (with or without explicitly Jewish content):

Education Keywords (Undergraduate Institution, Graduate Institution/s)

If you are submitting this profile on behalf of someone else, please put your name here.

Languages from which you translate, with the names of the poets translated (if applicable):

I'd possibly be interested in attending the first conference in the summer of 2023

During the year, I might be interested in:

Would you be willing to help Yetzirah with:

Do you have friends or colleagues you think might be interested in learning about Yetzirah and being included in this database? If so, please share their names and email addresses below.

To complete your listing in the Yetzirah database, please upload the author’s photo (at least 300 DPI)


Format: "Photo Credit: Name of Photographer"

Before hitting “Update,” which will submit your form, please take a moment to look back carefully over your profile. If you have any questions, please email Danny Kraft at [email protected].















Privacy Statement: Yetzirah is committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of confidential information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of state and federal law. In particular, we do not re-distribute or sell personal information collected on our web servers or in our webforms.