Resources: Potential Publication Venues
Jewish Literary Presses
Judaism-Focused Publications
- ALTE: Growing Old Together (an arm of Jewish Currents)
- arc (from the Israel Association of Writers in English)
- CCAR Press—The Jewish Quarterly
- Gashmius: Toward a Progressive neo-Hasidism
- Halah (journal of the literary group Jerusalism)
- Hevria Magazine
- Ilanot Review
- In Geveb (open to translations from Yiddish texts)
- Jewish Currents
- Jewish Journal
- Jewish Quarterly
- The Jewish Writing Project
- Lilith Magazine
- Minyan Magazine
- Moment Magazine
- Niv Magazine (based in Canada)
- Paper Brigade (journal of the Jewish Book Council)
- Prism: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators
- Ritualwell (looking for poems, rituals, prayers, etc.)
- Tiferet
- Tikkun
- Verklempt (literature & visual art; created by Havurah)
- Yafeh Zine (a new journal for queer Jewish writers)
Publications Looking for Spiritual/Religious Writing
General Interest Publications Open to Spiritual/
Religious Poems
If there are additional literary organizations, publication venues, or opportunities we should add to these resources, please contact us at [email protected] and be sure to include all relevant details and links. Thank you!