April 14 (Liberation/Freedom) Matthew Lippman, Rachel Mennies, Nomi Stone
Matthew Lippman is the author of six poetry collections. His latest book Mesmerizingly Sadly Beautiful (2020) is published by Four Way Books. It was the recipient of the 2018 Levis Prize. His next collection, We Are All Sleeping With Our Sneakers On, will be published by Four Way Books in 2024. Visit Matthew’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.
Rachel Mennies is the author of The Naomi Letters (BOA Editions, 2021) and The Glad Hand of God Points Backwards (Texas Tech University Press, 2014), winner of the Walt McDonald First-Book Prize in Poetry and finalist for a National Jewish Book Award. Her creative work has been published at The Believer, American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry Foundation, and elsewhere. Mennies currently lives in Chicago, where she works as a writer, editor, and adjunct professor.
Poet and anthropologist Nomi Stone is the author of three books, Stranger’s Notebook (TriQuarterly 2008), Kill Class (Tupelo 2019), a finalist for the Julie Suk Award, and Pinelandia: An Anthropology and Field Poetics of War and Empire (University of California Press, 2023), finalist for the Atelier Prize. Her poems recently appear in The Atlantic, POETRY Magazine, American Poetry Review, Best American Poetry, The Nation, The New Republic, and AGNI. Visit Nomi’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.