February 12 (Wildness): Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Rodger Kamenetz, Jason Schneiderman
Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach emigrated from Ukraine as a Jewish refugee when she was six. She is author of three collections: The Many Names for Mother; Don’t Touch the Bones; and 40 WEEKS (YesYes Books, 2023). Her poems appear in POETRY, Ploughshares, and American Poetry Review. She holds an MFA from the University of Oregon and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Julia wrote the model poem for https://dearukrainepoem.com/. She is the Murphy Visiting Fellow at Hendrix College. Visit Julia’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Rodger Kamenetz wrote The Jew in the Lotus and Stalking Elijah, which won the National Jewish Book Award. The History of Last Night’s Dream was featured on Oprah’s Soul Series. His nine books of poetry include The Lowercase Jew (Northwestern) and his latest, The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022. He lives in New Orleans and founded Natural Dreamwork, leading an international group of 20 practitioners. Visit Rodger’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Jason Schneiderman is the author of four books of poems, most recently Hold Me Tight (Red Hen, 2020). He edited the anthology Queer: A Reader for Writers (Oxford University Press, 2016). He is a longstanding co-host of the podcast Painted Bride Quarterly Slush Pile. His awards include the Shestack Award and a Fulbright Fellowship. He is professor of English at the Borough of Manhattan Community College and teaches in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. Visit Jason’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.