March 10: AWP Panel, “Not For Myself Alone: Creating & Sustaining Jewish Literary Communities”
Friday, 9-10:15 am PT, Rooms 443-444, Summit Building, Seattle Convention Center, Level 4
Madeleine (Mindl) Cohen is academic director of the Yiddish Book Center. She directs a fellowship program for emerging Yiddish translators. Mindl has a PhD in comparative literature from the University of California, Berkeley. She is a past chief editor of In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies.
Tom Haviv is a Brooklyn-based, Israeli-born writer, multimedia artist, and organizer. His debut book of poetry, A Flag of No Nation, was by Jewish Currents Press in 2019. He is the founder of the Hamsa Flag Project, which intends to stimulate conversation about the future of Israel / Palestine. He is the co-founder and creative director of Ayin Press.
Event Moderator Jessica Jacobs‘ third book, Unalone, a collection of poems in conversation with the Book of Genesis, will be published by Four Way Books in 2024. Chapbook editor for Beloit Poetry Journal, she is the founder of Yetzirah, a new organization for Jewish poets.
Becca Kantor is the editorial director of Jewish Book Council and its annual print literary journal, Paper Brigade. She received an MA in creative writing from the University of East Anglia, and was awarded a Fulbright grant to research and write in Estonia. She lives in Brooklyn.
Alicia Ostriker‘s most recent collections of poetry are Waiting for the Light (2017), which won a National Jewish Book Award, and The Volcano and After: Selected and New Poems (2020). She was an Academy of American Poets Chancellor 2015–2020 and NY State Poet Laureate 2018–2021. She is the poetry editor of Lilith Magazine.