November 6: “Not for myself alone: Creating & Sustaining Jewish Literary Communities,” 2022 Jewish Book Council Writer’s Conference, Rick Chess, David Ebenbach, Hila Ratzabi
Sunday, 3:30 p.m. ET. Panel description: In this fraught time, what do we need in the way of community? What can we share to encourage and inspire each other? Despite a strong presence in the literary world, forums for contact and support among American Jewish writers are limited. Representatives of the Center for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown; Ritualwell.org, an online community devoted to ritual, poetry, and liturgy; and Yetzirah, a new organization for Jewish poets, will explore how to respond to the opportunities and challenges of this moment, with a chance for audience input.
Rick Chess is the author of four books of poetry and the Treasurer of Yetzirah. Professor Emeritus at UNC Asheville, he directed UNC Asheville’s Center for Jewish Studies for 30 years. Visit Rick’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
David Ebenbach is the author of nine books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. He lives in Washington, DC, where he teaches at Georgetown University. You can find out more at davidebenbach.com. Visit David’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Hila Ratzabi is the author of There Are Still Woods (June Road Press, 2022). She holds an MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. She is Director of Virtual Content & Programs at Ritualwell.org. Visit Hila’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.