Photo Credit: Miriam Fein-Cole
Richard Fein
b. 1929
Current City, State, Country
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Birth City, State, Country
United States
Richard Fein’s latest book of poems, his thirteenth, Dear Yiddish, appeared in 2023. He has also published three books of translations of Yiddish poets as well as three books of prose which include Robert Lowell, a critical study; The Dance of Leah, a memoir of Yiddish; and Yiddish Genesis, a book of personal essays. A new book of translations, The Poems of Moyshe-Leyb Halpern, is
forthcoming. He has recently finished a new book of poems, The Polish Dream Machine.
What is the relationship between Judaism and/or Jewish culture and your poetry?
I am an American. I am Jewish. I am a writer.
Published Works
Selected Poems of Yankev Glatshteyn (translations)
Kafka’s Ear
At the Turkish Bath
To Move into the House
Ice like Morsels
I Think of Our Lives: New and Selected Poems
Mother Tongue
With Everything We’ve Got (translations)
My Hands Remember
Not a Separate Surge: New and Selected Poems
The Full Pomegranate: Poems of Avrom Sutzkever (translations)
Losing It
Robert Lowell
The Dance of Leah
Yiddish Genesis
Links to Sample Works
Video Reading
Current Title
New York University, P.H.D.
Languages of Publication(s) and Poets Translated