January 14 (Trees/Nature) Susan Aizenberg, Lauren Camp, Taije Silverman
Susan Aizenberg’s newest collection, A Walk with Frank O’Hara and Other Poems, is forthcoming in 2024 in University of New Mexico Press’s Mary Burritt Christiansen Poetry Series. She’s also the author of Quiet City (BkMk) and Muse (SIUP). Her awards include the VCU/Levis Reading Prize and the Nebraska Book Award for Poetry. Her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Blackbird, On the Seawall, Plume, Nine Mile, North American Review, and Prairie Schooner. Visit Susan’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.
Lauren Camp is the Poet Laureate of New Mexico and author of five books, most recently Took House (Tupelo Press). Her honors include the Dorset Prize and finalist citations for the Arab American Book Award, Housatonic Book Award, and New Mexico-Arizona Book Award. She has received support from Black Earth Institute, Storyknife Writers Retreat, and the Taft-Nicholson Center. Her work has been translated into Mandarin, Turkish, Spanish, and Arabic and she has received commissions from SITE Santa Fe and the Museum of International Folk Art to create poetry in response to art installations. In 2018, she was a visiting scholar/poet at the Mayo Clinic, sharing poems of dementia with physicians and research scientists, and in 2022, she was Astronomer in Residence at Grand Canyon National Park. Visit Lauren’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.
Taije Silverman is the author of two books of poetry, most recently Now You Can Join the Others, published in 2023. She is also the author of Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli, translated from the Italian and shortlisted for the Florio Prize. Other honors include a Fulbright, residencies from MacDowell and Yaddo, the Anne Halley Prize from Massachusetts Review, the Pushcart Prize, and Best American Poetry. Her grandmother grew up beside a lake in a town in East Poland. Her grandfather grew up on a farm not far from there. Her grandparents met in Mexico, where her father was born. Visit Taije’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.