Reading: Kendra De Colo, Ava Winter, Jared Harél
Kendra DeColo is the author of three poetry collections including I Am Not Trying to Hide My Hungers from the World (BOA, 2021) and co-author of the chapbooks Graffitied Heart with Ellen Bass, and Low Budget Movie with Tyler Mills. She recently curated Poem a Day for the Academy of American Poets, and has received awards and fellowships from MacDowell, Millay, Split This Rock, and a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship.
Ava Nathaniel Winter is the author of Transgenesis (Milkweed Editions, 2024), a winner of the National Poetry Series. Her poetry has appeared in The Baffler, Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry International, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere. Ava holds an MFA From the Ohio State University and a PhD from the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, where she teaches in the Department of English and the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. Learn more at www.avanwinter.com. Visit Ava’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.
Jared Harél is the author, most recently, of Let Our Bodies Change the Subject (University of Nebraska Press, 2023) which was selected by Kwame Dawes as the Winner of the Prairie Schooner Raz/Shumaker Book Prize in Poetry and was named a Finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize as well as the National Jewish Book Award. Jared teaches writing, plays drums, and lives in Westchester, NY with his wife and two kids. Website: jaredharel.com Visit Jared’s profile in Yetzirah’s Discover Jewish Poets database.