November 13 (101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium anthology event)
Nancy Naomi Carlson, winner of the 2022 Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize and twice an NEA translation fellow, has published twelve titles. An Infusion of Violets (Seagull Books, 2019) was called “new & noteworthy” by The New York Times, and Piano in the Dark (Seagull Books) is forthcoming. Her poems, translations, and essays have appeared in APR, The Georgia Review, Los Angeles Review, Paris Review, Poem-a-Day, and Poetry, and she’s the Translations Editor at On the Seawall. Visit Nancy’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
M.E. Silverman has authored books of poems including The Floating Door (Glass Lyre), and has published and co-edited Bloomsbury’s Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry,New Voices: Contemporary Writers Confronting the Holocaust, and 101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium. Visit M.E.’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Jeffrey Levine is the author of three books of poetry, with a fourth due out in 2023 from Salmon Press. Levine’s many poetry prizes include the Larry Levis Prize from the Missouri Review, the James Hearst Poetry Prize from North American Review, the Mississippi Review Poetry Prize, the Ekphrasis Poetry Prize (twice), and the American Literary Review poetry prize. His poems have garnered 22 Pushcart nominations. He is Artistic Director of Tupelo Press. Visit Jeffrey’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Alan Michael Parker is a cartoonist, novelist, and poet; he has written nine collections of poems and four novels. Awards for his writing include three Pushcart Prizes, two selections in Best American Poetry, the North Carolina Book Award, and the Medwick Award from the Poetry Society of America; in 2021, he judged the National Book Award in fiction. Houchens Professor of English at Davidson College, he contributes a cartoon each Friday to Identity Theory. You can find his cartoons at www.ampydoocartoons.com. Visit Alan’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Amy Small-McKinney’s most recent chapbook, One Day I Am A Field, was written during Covid and her husband’s illness and dying (Glass Lyre Press, 2022). For the 2020 virtual AWP, she co-moderated a discussion, “Writing Through Grief & Loss: The Intersection of Social and Personal Grief During Covid.” Her second full-length book of poems, Walking Towards Cranes, won the Kithara Book Prize (Glass Lyre Press, 2016). She was the 2011 Montgomery County, PA Poet Laureate. Visit Amy’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.
Katherine Smith’s recent poetry publications include appearances in Boulevard, North American Review, Ploughshares, Mezzo Cammin, Cincinnati Review, Missouri Review, Southern Review. Her short fiction has appeared in Fiction International and Gargoyle. Her first book, Argument by Design (Washington Writers’ Publishing House), appeared in 2003. Her second book of poems, Woman Alone on the Mountain (Iris Press), appeared in 2014. Her third book is Secret City (Madville Press, 2022). She works at Montgomery College in Maryland. Visit Katherine’s profile in Yetzirah’s Jewish Poets Database.