Reading: Translation Event with Maya Tevet Dayan & Jane Medved and Yakir Ben Moshe & Dan Alter
A unique opportunity to listen to two poets and their translators read from their new books and talk about the creative process of literary translation
featuring Maya Tevet Dayan & Jane Medved and Yakir Ben Moshe & Dan Alter
Maya Tevet Dayan is an Israeli-Canadian poet and writer. She is the recipient of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Award for Literature for 2018, among other prizes. Poems from her three critically acclaimed poetry collections have been translated into several languages. She holds a Ph.D. in Indian Philosophy and Literature, and her translations of Sanskrit poetry have been featured in international journals. Her latest book, Feminism, as I Taught it to My Daughters, is a bestselling memoir in essays based on her highly popular feminist columns.
Jane Medved is the author of Wayfarers, Deep Calls To Deep (winner of the Many Voices Project, New Rivers Press) and the chapbook Olam, Shana, Nefesh. Her awards include the 2021 RHINO translation prize and her work has been published in numerous anthologies. She is the poetry editor of the Ilanot Review and a visiting lecturer in the Graduate Creative Writing Program at Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv.
Yakir Ben-Moshe, an Israeli poet of Iraqi descent, won the Prime Minister’s Prize for Literature in 2012. He has published five books of poetry and one of children’s literature. His poems have been translated into English, Russian, Greek, Chinese and Turkish. He lives with his wife and children in Tel Aviv, where he is the Director of the Bialik House, as well as a teacher of creative writing.
Dan Alter’s poems, translations and reviews have been published widely; his first collection My Little Book of Exiles won the Poetry Prize for the 2022 Cowan Writer’s Awards. Hills Full of Holes, his second book of poems, will be published by Fernwood Press in 2025. He lives with his wife and daughter in Berkeley where he works at the Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life.
Curated by Joanna Chen.